Rather than the bright bold, colours of Summer, Autumn brings an array of different deeper colours, like red, yellow and orange. These can be found on many different plants, not just the leaves that are falling off the trees.

We would suggest mixing ferns, autumn grasses and colourful coprosmas for a truly autumnal garden display. These offer interest all the way through to spring with beautiful soft, warm hues and many offering repeat performances for years to come.

Colourful coprosmas

Excellent low-growing and bushy plants that are a fantastic choice for container displays with intensifying colours. Use types like Coprosma ‘Evening Glow’, Coprosma ‘Fire Burst’ or Coprosma ‘Lemon and Lime’.


Choose ferns to add softness and movement to shadier areas of your autumnal borders. You can use varieties such as Dryopteris atrata, Polystichum rigens and Athyrium ‘Red Beauty’.
Decorative autumn grasses

Ornamental grasses come into their own at this time of year, providing a calming presence with diverse hues, shapes and textures. We would recommend varieties such as Miscanthus ‘Red Zenith’, Panicum virgatum ‘Sangria’ or Calamagrotis ‘’Overdam’.
Expert tip – Plant contrasting colours together to emphasise the darker reds with the brighter yellows. Use greens as a foil to highlight the coprosmas and bring the movement into the mix with grasses. 

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