Inject splashes of colour into your garden this summer with petunias and salvias. The trailing stems of these pretty petunias are ideal for containers and baskets, while the taller, more upright salvias make beautiful plants for beds and borders. They will also catch the eye in a large patio pot.


Will die in low temperatures; keep indoors until summer nighttime temperatures are above 5°C

Half hardy
Will tolerate cool summer temperatures but not frost; keep indoors until nighttime temperatures are above 0°C

Can be left outside all year; tolerates temperatures down to -7°C

Very hardy
Can be left outside all year round, tolerates temperatures well below -7°C

Did you know?
Petunias hail originally from Argentina, and they’re related to tomato and potato plants , while salvias are a form of the herb sage.



1. Petunia ‘Amore Queen of Hearts’
Each flower features five striking red heart shapes to make you fall in love with this long flowering, semi-trailing beauty.
Hardiness rating  

2. Petunia ‘Night Sky’
As the name suggests, this unusual dark purple semi-trailing petunia is splashed with white stars. Try it in a pot or basket.
Hardiness rating  

3. Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’
Aromatic grey-green foliage, dark purple stems, and spikes of long-lasting violet-blue flowers combine in this hardy salvia.
Hardiness rating  

4. Salvia ‘Pink Lips’
Growing up to 1m (3ft), this plant is named after its pink and white flowers, which look like lips. Grow it in free-draining soil.
Hardiness rating
Petunia priscilla

5. Petunia ‘Priscilla’
Masses of large ruffled mauve flowers with darker veins will tumble gracefully from pots and baskets in summer.
Hardiness rating
Petunia candyfloss

6. Petunia ‘Candyfloss’
The large round blooms of this pink trailing petunia are perfect for pots; their sweet fragrance is an added bonus.
Hardiness rating
salvia joy

7. Salvia ‘Joy’
The pastel pink shades of this tall salvia will combine beautifully with blue and white flowers in a bed or large container.
Hardiness rating
petunia belinda

8. Petunia ‘Belinda’
Dark inky-blue flowers adorn the trailing stems of this irresistible petunia. Contrast it with paler colours to catch the eye.
Hardiness rating  

9. Salvia ‘Hot Lips’
The sister to Salvia 'Pink Lips', this plant has red and white bicoloured flowers. Grow it in free-draining soil and sun.
Hardiness rating  

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