- API Stress Zyme is a water conditioner which improves the development of the biological filter and helps clean a dirty aquarium
- Stress Zyme is a biological filter additive containing live bacteria (over 300 million live bacteria per teaspoonful)
- The live bacteria in Stress-Zyme keep conditions in the aquarium right for the development of the biological filter by consuming harmful organic pollutants. This speeds the development of the biological filter in new aquariums and improves water quality and living conditions when used on a regular basis
- Use Stress Zyme for an active biological filter, cleaner aquarium, healthier fish and good water quality
- Stress Zyme is effective in freshwater and marine aquariums
What you need to know:
- 1 x API Stress Zyme 240ml
- For new aquariums, on the 1st, 7th, and 14th days add 2 teaspoonfuls (10 ml) for every 40 L of aquarium water. Thereafter, each week add 1 teaspoonful (5 ml) for every 40 L of aquarium water
- For existing aquariums add 1 teaspoonful (5 ml) for every 40L of aquarium water weekly
- Stress Zyme can be used with freshwater tropical fish, marine fish, invertebrates and coldwater species including koi and goldfish. Stress Zyme will not harm aquatic plants.
- 240 ml bottle treats up to 1817L