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Dahlia 'Crazy Love' (1 Tuber)
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You'll fall in love with the beautiful flower of the rare Dahlia 'Crazy Love'
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Why we love it:Dahlia 'Crazy Love' is a very special, rare dahlia which blooms continuously, with each flower lasting for up to 2 weeks A decorative type dahlia, it makes a gorgeous display in the border and a spectacular cut flower with its soft white flowers outlined in lilac-pink Flowers are 12 - 15cm across Dahlias are classic border plants, ideal for cut flowers in your home, and good attracters of bees & butterflies to the garden Easy to grow & quick to mature they are a great choice for creating a traditional cottage garden look and feel and just one tuber will give you hundreds of flowers for months on end Great for beginner gardeners
What you need to know: 1 x Dahlia 'Crazy Love' (1 Tuber) Each packet contains 1 tuber Height: 90cm - 105cm Spread: 60cm Prefers full sun to part shade Soil: Prefers fertile, humus rich soil Flowering period: July/September Hardiness: Half hardy (may need protection in winter) Plant from March onwards In mild areas with free-draining soil, Dahlia tubers can be left to overwinter in the ground or pots, but in colder areas lift and store to protect them from the worst winter weather. Do this as soon as the first frosts have burnt the leaves back. Then cut back the top-growth to 15cm (6in) and lift the plants from the ground. Clean off as much soil as possible, before trimming any straggly, fine roots. Store them in boxes of dry compost to overwinter them in the garage, although any cool but frost-free place would do. The tubers are replanted in the spring once the danger of frosts has passed Ensure Dahlias are watered daily during dry spells. Do not water over winter
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