Webbs May Gardening Job List

Summer is now approaching, borders are growing and bulbs are slowly fading. We can now finally begin sowing and planting out our bedding, depending on regional weather. It is now the time to be getting into a routine with mowing the lawn, as with the warmer weather, the grass will growing considerably quicker.

Webbs Grounds team have compiled their list of the top jobs to do in the garden this month:
  • Make sure that you are still protecting some plants, as there is the risk of late frost.
  • Earth up potatoes and promptly plant any still remaining.
  • Towards the end of the month you can plant out your summer bedding.
  • Water early and late to get the most out of your water and recycle where possible.
  • Regularly how off weeds.
  • Open greenhouse vents and doors on warmer days.
  • Mow your lawns weekly.
  • Clip your hedges but check for nesting birds first!
  • Lift and divide overcrowded clumps of daffodils and other spring-flowering bulbs.
  • Watch out for viburnum beetle and lily beetle grubs.