- All purpose; so can be used on all plants including fruit and veg in pots, hanging baskets, tubs, containers – or mix it into your compost
- Each tablet has a coating that controls and regulates the release of nutrients, only releasing them when conditions are right for plant growth and when the plant needs them
- This release ensures steady, even growth – which is far better for producing strong, sturdy, healthy plants that perform much better in the garden
- Grows twice as big
- Contains 6 months feed
- Ready to use
What you need to know:
- 1 x Miracle-Gro All Purpose Continuous Release Tablets
- Apply at the start of spring, lasts for the whole season (6 months)
- Coverage area: up to 35 plants
- NPK 20-7-12 with magnesium and micronutrients
- When to use: March to October