- Simple and fast. 6 metres of tape. Quick and easy, neat rows of veg.
- A sweet and crisp, compact semi-cos lettuce. Very easy to grow for tasty and nutritious salads.
What you need to know:
- 1 x Mr Fothergills Tape Lettuce Little Gem Seeds
- Harvest: May to October
- Outdoors Sowing Guide: Sow outdoors simply make a drill where they are to crop, 1.5cm (½”) deep, directly into finely prepared soil. For ease, secure one end of the tape with a large stone or cane, roll out the tape into the drill and gently pull tight to straighten. Cover tape with fine soil. Allow 25cm (10”) between rows. Keep moist. Early sowings may benefit from cloche protection. Thin to 15cm (6”) apart, weaker plants can be carefully removed and used in salads if desired. Water well until plants are established. Sowing the individual tapes at three to four week intervals will ensure a continuous supply. Harvesting: Take alternate lettuces, leaving other heads to develop. For the crispest, freshest heads, pick in the cool of the morning or the evening.
- Soil Type: Fertile, moisture retentive soil
- Hints & Tips: Make the most of your space by sowing between rows of slower growing vegetables.
- Pack Size: 6 m